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Chakra alignment- Throat and Third eye

Size Approx- 18cm x 9cm


Peace, angelic connection, truth, integrity.


*This is my favourite angelic stone, connect with all levels of angels, secifically the Seraphim whilst working with this vibration it truly connects you to the 9th dimension and above. Ask for your angels while holding this stone or just being close to it can relieve stress, worry and despair.


*Her energy is a graceful, gentle and nurturing. She will stirring up the waters within you to help you to connect to your feminine side for healing and rebalancing.


*She aligns with the throat, to being love to your voice, so that you might find strength and courage to 'speak up' when you feel you need to.  She will bring stability and a gentle confidence to be able to speak and live in your truth.


*this stone will help you see your divine origins, she may even help you un fold those wings of yours.


*She creates peace within and aids spiritual development, a wonderful calming stone for relaxation, dream recall, meditation and astral travel.


*I recomend this stone for the bedroom as its energy is perfect for cooling, calming and setting the space for a peaceful nights sleep.


*On the physical she is a good aid for detoxing, an aid for hearing problems, physical pain, eye problems and mental disorders.

Raw Celestite- XL

  • Celestite can be crumbly, so it has been known for small pieces to crumble off, store safely. It can be cleansed using any method


    Disclaimer- Disclaimer- crystals should only ever be used as an addition to healing, never instead of medicine or any treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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