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Origin- Columbia 

Chakras- solar plexus, crown and above.

Size- 5cm x1cm


The all round healer, amplifying, expanding, opening


This is for 4 pieces photographed.


These pieces are a really beautiful find form Columbia, and very unusual. their energy is clear and sharp, to bring focus to the solar plexus, to activate and lift it.


*Quartz is a power stone and an amazing amplifier. Place it next to any crystal to amplify that stone's energy and make sure you program them with intentions. 


*The tip has  Limonite within it which gives it this yellow orange glow,  I love working with limonite to keep us close to mother earth. It holds us so deeply through stressful situations and overwhelming anxiety.


*It is great in a crystal grid as it can hold so much light, they becomes a good container to assist you in expanding and manifestign your heartfelt intents and wishes.


*Assisting you during meditation to reach higher levels of consciousness faster, brings clarity and connecting to the universe


*A master healer, full of pure white light, cutting through any low vibrations instantly, purifying and lifting spirits and the vibrations within your aura and space.


*A great tools for  psychic development, it holds the frequency of all colors so can be placed on any chakra for healing, It especially works well on the crown, increasing downloads of wisdom and insight.


* Will bring an unlimited potential of growth to your spiritual path.

Mango Quartz- Limonite in Quartz

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